Events of The Year
This section displays Annual magnificent breakthrough or brilliant milestones in science
Scientific sanctum
Fermilab: Particle physics accelerator laboratory.
What are we made of? How did the universe begin? What secrets do the smallest, most elemental particles of matter hold, and how can they help us understand the intricacies of space and time?
Since 1967, Fermilab has worked to answer these and other fundamental questions and enhance our understanding of everything we see around us. We do science that matters. We work on the world's most advanced particle accelerators and dig down to the smallest building blocks of matter. We also probe the farthest reaches of the universe, seeking out the nature of dark matter and dark energy.
CERN: Accelerating science
What is the nature of our universe? What is it made of?
To seek answers to suchfundamental questions, using particle accelerators and pushing the limits of technology.
At CERN, we probe the fundamental structure of particles that make up everything around us. We do so using the world's largest and most complex scientific instruments.
Our work helps to uncover what the universe is made of and how it works. We do this by providing a unique range of particle accelerator facilities to researchers, to advance the boundaries of human knowledge.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Advancing the frontiers of biology
Founded in 1890, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory has shaped contemporary biomedical research and education with programs in cancer, neuroscience, plant biology and quantitative biology. Home to eight Nobel Prize winners, the private, not-for-profit Laboratory employs 1,000 people including 600 scientists, students and technicians.
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Brookhaven National Laboratory delivers discovery science and transformative technology to power and secure the nation’s future
Among Brookhaven Lab’s current initiatives are nuclear science, energy science, data science, particle physics, accelerator science and technology, quantitative plant science, and quantum information science.
Academic listbox
Those websites could provide you with numerous academic resources
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Self Profile
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Personal Character
- 现实人格: INTJ
- 音乐人格: ISTP
- 闲下来会在脑海中建构有自己的理想世界
- 面对感觉有趣的事物喜欢倒腾和刨根问底
- 遇到障碍时通过发呆获取不一定行的通的新思路
- 不喜欢在分析完备前给出结论或决策,但当脑边缘系统打败了前额叶时除外
- 科幻读物,但拒绝毫无物理理论依存的空想读物
- 历史读物,特别是二战战争史和中国王朝兴衰史
- 部分刊物,如《中国国家地理》和《Vista看天下》
- 小说读物,不喜欢大多数空中楼阁类型的小说
- 少年读物,至今还喜欢《查理九世》和《哑舍》
- 沙盘战略:喜欢沙盘规划,如《City Skyline》
- 历史史诗:喜欢维多利亚系列作品(Victoria)
- 音乐风格:轻音乐、BPM<88的流行乐、英法德语系歌曲,是Westlife的歌迷
- 影视剧集:欧美剧和纪录片
- 足球球迷:轻度,看球不踢球,传控组织流,曼城球迷,认为足球有鼓舞人心的力量
- 菜但喜欢打羽毛球和网球,排球人难凑
- 很久没有下过中国/国际象棋,应该手生了
- 是新型冠状病毒事件的小小幸存者
- 辩论辩不动啦,梦想成为律师
- 保护好声带不然就会失去声域
- 期待有一天点亮全部34个区划
- 小众的爱好,喜欢收集明信片
- 喜欢三三两两一起骑行和爬山